As a part of IIC (Institution’s Innovation Council) celebration activity, National StartUp Day was celebrated on 20th January 2025 on the campus of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal.

Observation of national start up day

            As a part of IIC (Institution’s Innovation Council) celebration activity, National StartUp Day was celebrated on 20th January 2025 on the campus of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal. 

            The theme of the Programme – “Let’s shape the future together one innovative idea at a time”.

            Mrs. A.P. Pavithra, Assistant Professor in Costume Design and Fashion & Member of IIC Cell, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, delivered the speech and spoke on the topic titled “Role of young entrepreneurs in creating jobs”.   

            In her speech, she gave an awareness of the schemes contributed by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs to the young minds who need to venture into the world of entrepreneurship.    

            Dr. A. Vijayasarathi, Coordinator, the Institution’s Innovation Council also took part.  

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