Observation of international soil day
On account of observation of world soil day (உலக மண் வள நாள் கடைபிடிப்பு) (05th December), Eco Green Club & Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, jointly conducted an awareness programme on “Let the tree bring rain” ” (மரம் நடுவோம் …..மழை பெறுவோம்) on 05th December 2024 in the College campus.
Dr. K. GOWRIMALA, Assistant Professor in English & Coordinator – UMIS (University Management & Information System) Portal & Coordinator – Postgraduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Child & IIC (Institution’s Innovation Council) Ambassador, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal was the resource person. She emphasized the significance of the water and soil as a source of life. Also, she spoke about the importance of the soil, referred to it as our mother, and elucidated how human health and soil health are intricately related.