Anti-Drug Awareness Programme:-
On behalf of Anti Drug Cell, an awareness programme as well as rally was held on 19th June 2024 in the campus of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal. This programme was held in the support of the department of Police, Namakkal District.
Dr. M.R Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College welcomed the gathering.
Mr. R. Anandaraj, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Namakkal Division, Namakkal, inaugurated the programme.
Mr. K. Sankarapandian, Inspector of Police, Namakkal Town Police Station, Namakkal, was the special invitee.
Er. K. Nallusamy, Chairman, presided over the program. Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, offered the felicitation address.
Drugs are a major obstacle to the development of the student community. We should all strive to create a drug free society. If you learn about the movement of drugs in your residential area, you should immediately inform your nearest police station, The DSP, Mr. R. Anandaraj, said.
Drugs can affect not only you; they distress your family and our society as well, the Inspector of Police, Namakkal Town Police Station, Mr. K. Sankarapandian, pointed out.
All the second year undergraduate and postgraduate and the final year undergraduate students benefited through this programme. Apart from that awareness programme, an anti-drug rally was also held on that occasion.
The Inspector of Police – Namakkal Town Police Station Mr. K. Sankarapandian, inaugurated the rally. Dr. R. Navamani, Vice-Principal, Dr. M. Sasikala, Senate Member, Periyar University & Assistant Professor and Head, Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce, Dr. T.K. Anuradha, Assistant Professor and Head, Post Graduate and Research Department of Tamil, Mrs. V. Archana, Physical Director, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, the faculty members, non-teaching staff members and the students of the College participated in that awareness programme.
Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Coordinator, Silver Jubilee Celebrations, proposed the vote of thanks.
Dr. S. Jeyanthi, Assistant Professor in Mathematics and the Coordinator of the Anti-Drug Cell, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, made arrangements.