Confabulation Programme
A confabulation program – Management with the Faculty of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal,” was held on August 26, 2023, in the seminar hall.
Mrs. P. Karthikeyani, Assistant Professor in Statistics, Trinity College for Women, welcomed the gathering.
Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Trinity College for Women, was the chairwoman. She congratulated all the faculty members and students of our college for getting the all-India level No. 1 position in the N-List for the month of July 2023. Also, she said, our institution has all the infrastructure facilities. All the faculty and students should use these provisions and facilities.
All the faculty members should do their duties properly. Punctuality is mandatory for the entire faculty. They should go to the classes on time. The syllabus should be completed within the stipulated time without taking any desired leave. The principal, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, pointed out that his presiding address
Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director, Academic, said all the teachers of our institution should publish more research articles according to the guidelines of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
Mrs. S. Gayathri, Assistant Professor in English, Trinity College for Women, proposed the vote of thanks. All the faculty members of our college attended that program.