Greetings to Dr. B. Lena
Mrs. B. Lena, Head & Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal submitted her Ph.D., Mathematics thesis recently to our Periyar University, Salem.
Her topic of Ph.D. Mathematics thesis is “Algebraic properties on fuzzy ideals in G- Algebras”. Under the guidance of Dr. C. Ragavan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sri Vidya Mandir Arts and Science College, Katteri, Uttangarai, Krishnagiri District, she has completed her research work.
Her Ph.D., Viva – Voce Examinations was held on 20th October 2023 in the department of Mathematics, Periyar University, Salem.
Dr. A. George Maria Selvan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur was the external examiner.
She has successfully completed her Ph.D., viva voce examinations nicely.
Dr. B. Lena is greeted by Er. K. Nallusamy, Chairman, Er. S. Selvaraj, Secretary, Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, the faculty of Mathematics Dr. S. Jeyanthi, Mrs. V. Gokila, Mrs. S. Madhukaraveni, Mrs. M. Nandhini, Mrs. A. Thenmozhi, Dr. S. Revathy and Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer.