Independence day


         74TH Independence Day was celebrated  on 15.8.2020 at 8.40 AM in our College campus.   This Independence Day event was held with mandatory adherence to social distancing norms.  Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary of Trinity College for Women has hoisted the tri-color national flag.   While addressing Independence Day, he paid tributes to our freedom fighters and the armed forces for protecting our nation.     Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of Trinity College for Women presided over the celebrations of Independence Day.   He delivered highly motivating talk and commemorated the long and consistent efforts put in by the Indian freedom fighters for our country Dr. R. Kulandaivel, Founder and Chief Doctor, Thangam Hospital and Cancer Centre, 54, Dr Sankaran Road, Near BSNL Office, KK Nagar, Namakkal was the special invitee of that Independence Day Celebrations. 

            Positive cases of COVID-19 have been increasing rapidly throughout the world.   India is now the third country in the world.   During this Corona lock down, some specific groups of people, especially doctors, nurses, health workers, sanitary employees, police personnel, security staff members and so on; have been working round the clock to save our people, he proudly focused on the role of those dedicators.  The COVID-19 has limited our boundaries of personal freedom, but we have to conquer it cooperatively with weapons like self-discipline, cleanliness, hygiene, wearing masks and social distancing.  Only then can we attain Independence from the coronavirus, Dr. R. Kulandaivel urged.  

           Dr M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal welcomed the gathering.   Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director-Academic, Coordinators of various organizations Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar (RRC), Dr. M. Sasikala (NSS), Mrs. S. Jayamathi (NSS) and Dr. N. Elamathi (IQAC) took part in that ID celebration.   Mrs. A. Nithya, Director of Physical Education proposed the vote of thanks.     This event was organized by National Service Scheme, Youth Red Cross and Red Ribbon Club of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu State. 



Date – 15th August 2021

(01) Flag Hoisting Ceremony

15.08.20218.45 AM 75th  Independence Day Celebrations (Azadika Amrit Mahotsav) Dr. R. Kulandaivel & Dr. Deepti Mishra Thangam Hospitals and Cancer Centre, Namakkal –   637 001 Were the chief guests Trinity College for Women, Namakkal celebrated the 75th year independence day celebrations (AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV).
Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the college hoisted the tricolor flag at the premises of College. Dr. R. Kulandaivel, MD, Thangam Hospitals and Cancer Centre highlighted the sacrifice of our Indian freedom fighters. Dr. Deepti Mishra, Special Invitee, Thangam Hospitals and Cancer Centre, Namakkal, in her address, congratulated the college for celebrating Independence day despite the pandemic.  She also said that today’s youth is tomorrow’s future in the making of new India. We need a good Indian citizen. Each and every staff should encourage your student’s community for our nation’s development in all aspects, she denoted. 

(02)           Offline event of Independence Day awareness

Owing to the celebration of 75th Independence Day (AZADIKA AMRIT MAHOTSAV), our College NSS Cell conducted an awareness programme on 15th August 2021 @ 11 AM.  It was held in the place of a mini seminar hall.  (This offline event was hosted with maintaining social distancing, avoiding large audience, wearing of mask, proper sanitation and protecting vulnerable groups)

The details of topics and resource persons were as follows:-

S.No Name and Address of the invited speaker Date and Time Topic of the 75th Year Independence day Event
01 Dr. Deepti Mishra Surgical Oncologist, Thangam Hospitals and Cancer Centre, 54, Dr Sankaran Road, Namakkal – 637 001, Tamil Nadu state 15.08.2021 & 11 AM My idea of freedom
02 Mrs. S. Sreevidhya, Assistant Professor in English, Trinity College for Women Namakkal – 637 002 Tamil Nadu state 15.08.2021 & 12 Noon The making of a nation Poems

                                  (3) Online Event of Azadika Amrit Mahotsav

          On account of 75th Independence Day (AZADIKA AMRIT MAHOTSAV) celebrations, The National Service Scheme of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal executed an online awareness event on 15th August 2021 @ 11 AM.  It was held on the platform of Google Meet.

Particulars of our student’s participation in this

75th Year Independence Day Celebrations

S.No Name, year and degree of student Date and Time Handling Topic of the 75th Year Independence day Programme
01 Ms. M. Sathya, II M.Com., Trinity College for Women Namakkal – 637 002 15.08.2021- 2 PM From Swadeshi to Aatmanirbhar Bharat: A Journey by the people of India
02 Ms. P. Madhupriya II M.Com., Trinity College for Women Namakkal – 637 002 15.08.2021- 2.30 PM From the Raj to Swaraj: Significant Events
03 Ms. S. Shravya Lakshmi III B.Com., CA 15.08.2021 – 3 PM From the Raj to Swaraj Known and the Lesser Known and their Contributions
04 Ms. S. Deepika, II B.Sc., Computer Science 15.08.2021- 3.30 PM The Making of a Nation: Science/Technology/ Industry/ Education

Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary of the College, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Dr. G. Selvalakshmi, Syndicate Member, Periyar University, Salem, Dr. M. Sasikala & Mrs. S. Jayamathi, NSS Programme Officers, Mrs. V. Gokila, RRC Programme Officer, Dr. R. Savithri, YRC Programme Officer,  Mrs. R. Navamani, HOD of BCA & B.Sc., Computer Science, Mr. M. Malathi, AP in Computer Science, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, The various department Heads, faculty members and the volunteers of NSS, YRC and RRC of Trinity College for Women took part in that occasion.    

Celebration of 75th year of Indian Independence Day and NSS (National Service Scheme) Day – 24.09.2021

In accordance with the celebration of 75th year of Indian Independence Day and NSS (National Service Scheme) Day, The NSS wing of our Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu state organized a tree saplings event on 24th September 2021@ 10.30 AM.   Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Managing Director, PSK Group of Companies, Namakkal was the special invitee.  Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary and Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College delivered their felicitation address.  Dr. M. Sasikala, NSS Programme Officer welcomed the gathering.   Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic of the College spoke on the topic of “Let’s plant a tree, let’s get rain (மரம் நடுவோம் – மழை பெறுவோம்).  He highlighted the significance of tree plantation for the benefit of our society.   Mrs. S. Jayamathi, NSS Programme Officer, Unit 2 of the College proposed the vote of thanks.    Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer and the volunteers of NSS took part in that occasion.   Bullet wood (மகிழ மரம்), Neem Tree  (வேப்ப மரம்) and Banyan Tree (ஆலமரம்) were planted in that tree plantation event.   Geotagging procedure of new sapling was followed in that occurence.   The location geo tagging plant image has been uploaded in the NSS Email. 

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