Women’s Awareness Documentary Film
On behalf of Trinity Women’s Forum, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal conducted a programme entitled “The Thorn and the Flower” (women empowerment documentary film) (முள்ளும் மலரும் – மகளிர் சமூக விழிப்புணர்வு குறும்படம்) on 13th October 2023 in the seminar hall of the College.
Mr. R.A. Antony Thomas, Mr. R. Yasin, Ms. U. Ammu Uthrapathi, Mr. R. Jagadeeswaran, Mr. K. Kannan, Mr. K. Ramprakash, Mr. N. Rashid, Mr. R. Yadhav Raman, and Mrs. S. Gobi, Directors, M/s. Siyaan Productions, 26-A, North Street, Sandaipettaipudur, Namakkal, were the organisers of the programme.
Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, principal, presided over the programme. Mrs. R. Navamani, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of UG Computer Science and Computer Applications, welcomed the gathering.
Because of the need for women’s empowerment, this documentary film was screened for the students of the college.
This world is a male-dominant and patriarchal society. In comparison with male children, there is no importance given to female children. There are a lot of disparities between men and women. Priorities given to women are not a help; they are their rights. This country’s development depends on female growth, as this documentary film highlights.
More than 250 students benefited from this programme. Mrs. V. Archana, Director of Physical Education of the College delivered the vote of thanks. The coordinators of Trinity Women’s Forum Dr. N. Santhi and Mrs. N.Thangamani also took part.