Trinity College for Women, Namakkal obtained A+ grade from the NAAC
Our Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu state earned A+ Grade (Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.31 out of a total of 4.00) from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
NAAC peer team members Dr. Prof. Ashok Kumar Malik, Dean, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab state, Dr. Prof. Ajeya K Gupta, Professor, Department of Commerce, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh State and Dr. Sandhiya Nair, Former Principal, RS Mundle Dharampeth Arts and Commerce College, Nagpur, Maharashtra state visited our Institution on 08th February 2023 and 09th February 2023.
Our College has awarded the overall grade for its consistent good performance over the past 5 years. The NAAC Team completed the online and in person verification process of assessment on above said dates.
The A+ Grade is awarded based on criterion wise different weightages that are curriculum aspects, teaching, learning, evaluation, research, innovations, extension activities, infrastructure, learning resources, student support & progression, governance, leadership & management, institutional values and best practices.
It is a result of collective efforts by the Chairman & Secretary of our College, Promoters of Trinity Academy, Our College Executive Director, Principal, Director-Academic, IQAC Coordinator, Administrative Officer, All department Heads, faculty members, librarian, physical directress, non-teaching staff members, parents, current students and Alumni that our College could achieve this feat.
In addition, The NAAC peer team appreciated to the institution for its green campus, rain water harvesting, eco-friendly measures, waste composting, strict implementation of non-plastic usages, herbal garden, solar power system, LED appliances, etc., Also, they pointed out in the final report as “Green and Clean are the two eyes of Trinity”.
On this subject, a success meet of NAAC was held on 15.02.2023 in the Trinity Auditorium. Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman inaugurated the meet. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal welcomed the gathering. Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director and Dr. Arasuprameswaran, Director – Academic of the College offered the felicitation address. Dr. N.Elamathi, Coordinator, IQAC proposed the vote of thanks. All the faculty and students exchanged their greetings to them.