Awareness Programme on “SWAYAM NPTEL COURSES: Registration, Guidelines, and Strategies.”
The SWAYAM Cell, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, conducted an NPTEL Awareness program on February 7, 2024, on the college campus. Mrs. K. Mekala, Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Member – SWAYAM Cell, Trinity College for Women, delivered the topic titled “SWAYAM NPTEL COURSES: Registration, Guidelines, and Strategies.”
SWAYAM stands for Study Web of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds. There are no tuition fee expenses. These online courses can be applied by any individual without any barriers of age, caste, qualification, location, etc. However, the eligibility criteria are available on the SWAYAM website. The faculty and students can select from the various courses related to engineering, sciences, humanities, commerce, management, language, mathematics, library, education, general, arts, and recreation, she said. Also, she explained the registration norms, assignment guidelines, and examination pattern and gave tips on how to complete the courses. Many students of Computer Science took part in that programme.